Information Management and Emerging Engineering

The department has the function of both External as well as Internal coordination activities. The external coordination includes liaisoning with the client system/stakeholders and internal coordination includes the academic coordination of the institute programmes and activities.

External liaisoning has the following functions :

  1. Liaisoning with the States, AICTE, EdCIL, MHRD, NPIU etc. and other national and international organization for ascertaining their needs.
  2. Obtain feedback from these organizations about the quality of programmes / activities
  3. Obtain information about the needs of the clientele system relevant to the programmes and activities that can be offered by the Institute
  4. Create a climate in the client system for better acceptance of the institute programmes and activities and for initiating newer areas of activities developed at the institute.
  5. Co-ordinate for inter-disciplinary projects including training programmes for international fellows.
  6. Organising important meetings, workshops of Directorates of Technical Education, Principals of Polytechnics/Engg.College for future planning.

Academic coordination of institute activities includes planning and follow up of the institute programmes and activities:

  1. Consolidation of needs identified through extension services and casting them into a total Operational Plan of the institute.
  2. Finalising the annual report of the institute
  3. Collecting information about the institute for internal and external use
  4. Planning, organising and conducting meetings of the Departments of the institute.
  5. Determining future needs and planning for the future.
  6. Supporting Director in academic decision making at the institute level.